May is the start of National Elder Law Month! In 1963, President Kennedy declared May to be Senior Citizens Month to honor those who are 65 and older. Since then every President has proclaimed May to be a month to show support for older Americans. President Jimmy Carter changed the name in 1980 to Older Americans Month and the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys supports this annual proclamation by declaring the month of May to be National Elder Law Month.

Elder Law is defined by the client to be served. The lawyer who practices Elder Law may handle a range of issues but has a specific type of clients – seniors and the disabled. Any and every issue that these two demographics could conceivably face falls under the umbrella of elder law. Elder Law Attorneys focus on the legal needs of the elderly and the disabled, and work with a variety of legal tools and techniques to meet the goals and objectives of the client.

While no one likes to think about becoming disabled, most studies are consistent in showing the 1 in 2 people will need some type of long-term care. The type, frequency and percentage of people who will need long-term care increases greatly for persons over age 70. The Department of Health and Human Services estimates 70% of all people over age 65 will need some type of long-term care.

National Elder Law Month is a great time to execute a power of attorney or health care proxy or create a Will and/or trust agreement. It is never too early to create your comprehensive estate plan or have your existing estate plan reviewed. If you or someone you know requires long-term care planning, please contact our firm to learn more.